Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane PT PROFILTER INDONESIA Hubungi 081385066789 Pastikan produk yang anda dapatkan adalah asli dari PFI Watermaker dengan price harga dan kualitas terbaik


Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

Kami adalah importir distributor agen dan supplier Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane terlengkap menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan spare part filter untuk keperluan industri dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.

Seawater reverse osmosis (RO) membranes play a critical role in desalination, transforming seawater into potable water. With increasing global demand for fresh water, these membranes are becoming an essential component in industries and coastal regions where freshwater sources are scarce.


Description Veolia AG8040F-400 RO Membrane

High performance elements delivering differentiated value in water and wastewater treatment

Spiral wound membrane elements offer solutions for drinking water, boiler feedwater, seawater desalination, wastewater and water reuse. Our featured H Series BWRO membrane elements have been designed to address the growing market focus on high quality permeates, system cost of ownership and water reuse policies and regulations that have resulted in more challenging RO feeds.


Pure Water Membranes Elements

Complete offering of elements to serve all applications:

  • Seawater RO
  • Brackish Water RO
  • Low Energy
  • Ultra Low Energy
  • Low Fouling/Fouling Resistant


Features include:

  • Smooth membrane surface minimizes fouling/reduces cleaning frequency
  • Fouling Resistant (FR) construction available to further extend service life
  • NSF certifications & FDA declarations for drinking water and food compliance
  • Robust packaging & preservation process to extend shelf life


Veolia Pure Water Membrane type

AG elementsPremium Series3150329AG-400 H
3150328AG-440 H
3194885AG-90 H
Standard Series3032518AG8040F-400
AK elementsPremium Series3150326AK-400 H
3150327AK-440 H
3194886AK-90 H
Standard Series3039161AK8040F-400
AG FR elementsPremium Series3187651AG-400 FR H
Standard Series3136931AG8040F-400 FR,34
3154063AG4040FM FR,34
AG LE elementsPremium Series3187569AG-400 LE H
3187650AG-440 LE H
Standard Series3160987AG8040F-400 LE
3194309AG8040F-440 LE
Softening NF1207240HL8040F-400
SWRO elements3154588AC-400,34
3056654AD-400, 34
3056662AE-400, 34

Purify water from any source and operate at high efficiency.

SUEZ / Veolia spiral wound membrane elements purify water for drinking water, boiler feedwater, seawater desalination, rinse water, and water reuse. These highly efficient membranes produce high-quality product water from virtually any source including surface water, tap water, well water or seawater.

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Alamat kontak


Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Phone : +6221 84937329 , 84937805 , 22962668

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