PP25540PS Filter Cartridge Bayonet
PT PROFILTER INDONESIA adalah perusahaan importir dan agent spare part water treatment dengan stock PP25540PS Filter Cartridge Bayonet lengkap harga serta jaminan kualitas terbaik.
Info lengkap produk filter cartridge
Description PP25 Filter Cartridge Bayonet
PFI Melt blown filter cartridge adalah jenis filter yang dibuat melalui proses melt-blowing, di mana polimer jenis polypropylene dilelehkan dan ditiupkan untuk membentuk serat halus yang kemudian disusun menjadi media filter berlapis. Filter ini dikenal karena kemampuannya menyaring partikel halus dengan efisiensi tinggi dan sering digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri yang membutuhkan tingkat kebersihan dan kemurnian tinggi.
PFI Spun Bonded Filter Cartridge are made up of 100% polypropylene fibers. The fibers have been carefully spunned together to form a true gradient density from outer to the inner surface. Filter cartridges are available with both core & without core version. The Filter Cartridge Spun superior structure remains integral even under severe operating conditions and there is no media migration. Polypropylene fibers are blown continuously on the central molded core, without any binders, resins or lubricants.
PFI PP Melt Blown Filter Cartridge-MG Series is fusing and intertwined of polypropylene resin without any chemical glues.
- PFI Model / Type Filter : PP25540PS
- Filter media : Polypropylene
- Kerapatan filtrasi : 5 μm
- Diameter dalam : 28 mm
- Diameter luar : 60 – 61 mm
- Core Dalam : Polypropylene
- Gasket : silicon atau tanpa gasket
- Tutup ujung filter : SOE
- Maksimum temperature : 70 oC
- Finishing luar filter : smooth
- Panjang filter : 40 inch
- Free of surfactants, binders and adhesives
- Excellent flow with low pressure drop
- High dirt holding capacity
- 100 % Polypropylene for wide chemical compatibility.
- High strength & pressure resistance
- One piece construction up to 1016 mm & more
- Nominal & absolute filtration rating
Configuration Filter option
- Double Open Type (DOE Type)
- 226 O’ Ring Design / Bayonet
- 226 O’ Ring Design / Flat
- 222 O’ Ring Design / Bayonet
- 222 O’ Ring Design / Flat
- Industri makanan dan minuman
- Prefilter reverse osmosis system
- Power Plant
- Proses Petrokimia
- Industri Elektronik
- Farmasi
- Pengolahan Air Limbah
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Gudang A/01 – Kawasan Pergudangan Commpark
Kotawisata – Cibubur
Kantor : +6221 84937329 , 84937805
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