FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040

FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040 RO Membrane PT PROFILTER INDONESIA Hubungi 081385066789 Pastikan produk yang anda dapatkan adalah asli dari PFI Watermaker dengan price harga dan kualitas terbaik


FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040

PFI Watermaker adalah importir stockiest dan distributor FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040 Membrane terlengkap menyediakan berbagai spare part water treatment dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik.

Ideal for : reverse osmosis plant managers and operators dealing with challenging waters who are looking for a state-of-the-art solution to tackle tough CAPEX and OPEX challenges.


Description FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040 Membrane

FilmTec™ LC LE PRO-4040 Elements deliver high quality water at low pressure at harsh water conditions, using DuPont’s innovative, proprietary technology for low energy commercial applications. DuPont’s fully automated element production enables the most consistent products in the industry that minimizes the total cost of ownership of water treatment systems.

FilmTec™ Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis 4″ Elements can separate salts from water and are produced with an automated fabrication process that ensures precision, consistency, and reliability. They are ideal for use in medium-sized water treatment system that produce less than approximately 10 gpm (2300 L/h) of permeate. Our RO membranes build on a tradition of leadership in the thin-film composite membrane industry and meet the challenges of higher rejection in lower-pressure operations.



  • Product : LC LE PRO-4040
  • Part Number Dry  : 12081512
  • Permeate Flow Rate gpd (m3/d) : 2600 (9.8)
  • Min. Salt Rejection (%) : 99.0
  • Stabilized Salt Rejection (%) : 99.5
  • Operating and Cleaning Limits
  • Membrane type : Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
  • Maximum operating temperature : 113°F (45°C)
  • Maximum operating pressure : 600 psig (41 bar)
  • Maximum pressure drop : 15 psig (1.0 bar)
  • Maximum feed flow rate, gpm (m3/h) : 16 gpm (3.6 (m3/h))
  • pH range
  • Continuous operational :  2 – 11
  • Short-term cleaning : 1 – 13
  • Maximum Feed Silt Density Index : SDI 5
  • Free chlorine concentration : < 0.1 ppm


Key Features and Applications


  • LC LE PRO-4040 Filmtec delivers high quality water at low pressure at harsh water conditions, using DuPont’s innovative, proprietary technology for low energy applications.
  • Industry leading active area (94 sqft) which provides less fouling due to lower operating flux while still achieving higher flow.
  • Offers high salt rejection at low pressure in harsh water conditions.
  • Provides most effective cleaning performance, robustness and durability due to its widest cleaning pH range (1 – 13) and chemical tolerance.


  • Light industrial applications requiring good permeate quality.
  • Harsh feed water condition.
  • Drinking water – Refilling stations, Bottling plants
  • Hotels, Schools, Institutions etc.

Untuk informasi lengkap dan permintaan penawaran FilmTec LC LE PRO-4040 Membrane silahkan hubungi CS kantor kami


Alamat dan kontak


Ruko Blok G/54 – Gudang A/01

Jl.Canadian Broadway

Pergudangan Commpark – Kotawisata – Cibubur

Kantor : +6221 84937329 , 84937805

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